Geelong Osteopathic and Healthcare Clinic welcomes diversity, including diversity of race, culture, spirituality, gender, identity, ability and sexuality. We seek to provide a safe and inclusive space for all people.

Geelong/Barwon Heads:5229 8021
Fax: 5229 8715
Email: gohcclinic@gmail.com

Treating babies and infants
Osteopaths here at the Clinic use either Cranial or Indirect Osteopathic treatment techniques. These may be used to influence the musculo-skeletal aspect of common conditions in babies & young children. These may include the following:-
Back & Neck pain
Ear infections & Glue ear
Growing Pains – musculo-skeletal strain patterns during growth are common & may cause discomfort & pain that may be treatable
Headaches related to muscular tightening & joint stiffness in the head, neck & shoulders
Teething or Dental problems related to muscular tension & joint stiffness in the neck & jaw
Co-ordination problems & Developmental delays – Tightening of muscles and joints may inhibit your child's ability to do certain movements which may present as a developmental delay or co-ordination problem
Speech problems – may be associated with tightening of the neck, jaw or mouth muscles and tissues
Asthma – as with adults, easing the tension within the muscles associated with respiration may assist with easier breathing
When babies communicate, this is often expressed as being unsettled & irritable which can result in poor sleeping. The following list are some of the more common signs which prompt parents to bring their babies in for Osteopathic treatment:-
Colic, Excessive Wind &/or constipation
Continuous crying
Difficulties with suckling, feeding or a preference to feed from only one breast
Stiffness of the neck muscles may be associated with difficulty turning the head in one direction
Baby lying with the head always to one side resulting in Plagiocephaly (flat spots on side or back of head)
A misshapen head following birth
Our Osteopaths aim to release the musculo-skeletal tension & strain that exists within the infants body. Some symptoms, as above, may improve as a result of the release of the muscles and tissues.
In this Clinic, we do not practice or advocate the use of spinal manipulation (often referred to as joint cracking or adjustments) in babies or infants.
For further information or to arrange an appointment please call the clinic on 5229 8021 (Geelong).
Note: Scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of Osteopathic treatment for these conditions is limited